Saturday, November 05, 2005

One Nation, Under Starbucks

So yeah, Ive been totally craving a pumpkin spice latte alllllll day. Prolly because I spent last night sleeping in my car, trying to find my friends campsite at 2 in the morning, Im tired.

Camping kinda sucks actually, everyone was tired, no one slept much because Ryan's loud ass was snoring all night as he usually does, oh yeah, and you talk in your sleep too... Anywho, I left the camping trip early, just got back in to town.

I did however manage to go on a hike, I also learned that hiking really, really sucks... I guess its not the hiking that sucks, I think it was the trail I was on. I mean, Ive been hiking before and Ive liked it, like in Austrailia, me and some Marine friends hiked to Butterfly Gorge, a beautiful little spot in the heart of Katherine (like you know where that is). It was a great payoff for 14 miles of hiking, it was awsome! This however, was about 10 miles of straight trail, well not straight, a lot of uphilling, and for nothing, no view, no summit, just a loop trail, very disapointing actually.

It was nice however to be out in nature... altho this Is a cranky day, working on about 4 hours of cramped car sleep, which entails an emergency break lever digging into my side... surprisingly comfortable actually.... anywho, it wasnt as good as the last time I was in the Blue Ridge Mountians, but it was still nice, nature is cool!

Ok, Im off to finish my Pumpkin Spice Latte, (I think Im addicted to Starbucks), I find its better when its warm and not hot... thought Id share.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only I had known you were in town! I would have called you to come watch a movie with us.

11:52 PM  

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