Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Patrick Davis

I was searching through some old disks and I ran across some old letters I had typed up to give to the people who had helped me out through my awful high school days. I read the one I wrote to Patrick Davis, he's a really good guy. Unfortunately he's had a pretty rough life too, father issues, troubled siblings, stuff like that. Anywho, I wonder how he's doing since I lost contact, so Ill post my letter, I hope you find this Patrick Davis. (keep in mind I wrote this in High School).

Patrick Davis

Patrick Davis, man of mystery. Our time in the “kiddie” world is over and its time for us to go out and support ourselves. We’ve known eachother for a long time now, seven, eight years or so, and now the luxury of being able to just hang out is being stripped away from us, that sucks donkeys!

The reason why I’m writing this to you is because you, at times, feel that your friends don’t care, but we do. And even though I’m going into the Marines and your going to an Academy, you still have to keep in touch. It would be nice to hear from you once and a while. Tell your Mom I said thanks for all the help, letting me live up in your room and feeding me all those times. And tell Tati that Uncle Tony said hi, and make sure she stops licking her feet!

Like I said before, don’t waste your skills Patrick. You are one of the smartest, most sophisticated people I know, Look towards the future and try your best at whatever you do. And if you do try your best Patrick, you WILL be driving a 24kt gold Lexus on the deck of a ship in which you are the captian of.

Thanks for all the help over the years, with food and money and housing and all. Good luck to you in the future and God bless, Yes there is a God, and hopefully you’ll find it.

Your Friend,
Anthony Robert Alessandro


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