Thursday, January 12, 2006

Theres more than one way to make a Mocha

Coffee, my current joy in life... I had a peanut butter mocha blast from the Jazzmans cafe this morning, it was divine.

Im currently at starbucks, trying an iced mocha. Change'll do ya good some one said, I hope so, I cant shake this funk Im in, its disturbing actually.

I want to be ok, I dont want to be like this. I wonder how much Im doing it to myself, and how much I really cant control. I still dont like being around people, I want to hide, I am, at Starbucks. "Iced Mocha, thats a wonderful choice"

My drill instructer told me that sometimes in the Marines you dont just have bad days, you have bad years, and when it gets bad, you have to "get back to the basics". To this day, I have not figured out exactly what that means... I was going to ask him one day, I ran into him about 9 months after bootcamp when I was stationed in Beaufort, I was going to go ask him exactly what that meant, but I didnt, because I was embarrased... I was working at Brusters Ice Cream shop at the time and he was ordering something, I hid in the back... What? I didnt want his 3 months of training me to be a killer of men to be tarnished by seeing me in a gay ass Brusters outfit, scooping ice cream... "Sprinkles Sir"?

Back to the basics... Its been an AWFUL year, hell, its been bad ever since I moved to Columbia, how do I get back to the basics? While in the Marines, I thought it meant doing things by the numbers again, being a good well trained Marine. In the civillian world Im not to sure what that means, I think it means, going back to what makes me happy, the simple joys in life... Friends, food, laughter... MAN I MISS LAUGHTER!!! I miss living in joy, I miss it, how do I get back, to the basics... To be honest, the Iced Mocha isnt working... what a wonderful choice.


Blogger joey said...

I've decided that all men's bathrooms were designed by women.

Case in point- bathroom at yesterdays. One commode (with door). One urinal. Right next to the sink. Without a divider.

Put two people in that bathroom. Have one washing his hands. Now, now how many people who have to pee are going to choose the urinal?

anyway, pointless (but true) story. hope you laughed.


11:25 PM  

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